
BSI Bimonthly E-NEWSLETTER September2024 1st Edition

Literacy is not an End in Itself but a Means to Empower Individuals, Communities and Nations to Fathom the Meaning of Life: A Biblical Reflection

On International Literacy Day, we celebrate the power of literacy to transform lives, open doors to opportunity, and deepen our understanding of the world and God’s Word. From a biblical perspective, literacy is more than just the ability to read and write; it is a tool that equips individuals to grow in faith, wisdom, and service to others. Let us try to understand the power of being educated in the manner as found in the Bible.

1. The Power of the Written Word

2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

The Bible, God’s written Word, is foundational for our faith. Literacy allows individuals to access and engage with Scripture, drawing them closer to God. By being able to read the Bible for themselves, individuals are equipped for spiritual growth and good works.

2. The Gift of Wisdom through Learning

Proverbs 1:5: “Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.”

Literacy is a gateway to wisdom and understanding. It opens up avenues for learning that not only benefit the individual but also strengthen the community and glorify God. Education helps us make wise decisions in life and grow in knowledge.

3. Spreading God’s Word through Literacy

Deuteronomy 6:6-7: “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

The ability to read and share God’s Word is vital for passing faith on to future generations. Teaching literacy in communities can be a powerful way to ensure that more people can engage with Scripture and carry its message to others.

4. Empowering the Vulnerable

Proverbs 31:8-9: “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Literacy empowers people, especially the vulnerable, to advocate for their rights and understand their place in the world. It is a tool for justice and equity, allowing individuals to speak up and participate fully in society.

5. The Role of Literacy in Fulfilling the Great Commission

Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Literacy enhances the Church’s mission of teaching and spreading the Gospel. By promoting literacy, we help ensure that all people can read and understand God’s commandments and the message of salvation.

6. Renewing the Mind through Knowledge

Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Literacy is a critical part of renewing our minds, as it allows us to continually grow in understanding and discernment. By engaging with Scripture and other forms of knowledge, we are able to live according to God’s will and reflect His love and wisdom in our lives.

7. Serving Others through Education

Galatians 6:2: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Literacy equips individuals to serve others more effectively. By teaching literacy, we help lift others out of ignorance, poverty, and oppression, fulfilling Christ’s call to love and serve one another.

International Literacy Day is a reminder of the vital role literacy plays in our lives, both spiritually and practically. Literacy is a tool that enables individuals to engage with the Bible, grow in wisdom, and become effective witnesses for Christ. It opens doors to opportunity, justice, and empowerment, particularly for the marginalized. As followers of Christ, we are called to support and promote literacy as part of our mission to spread the Gospel and serve others in love. Let us pray for increased access to education, especially in areas where literacy is lacking, and for the strength to use our own literacy to read, share, and live out God’s Word faithfully.

By Dr. Hrangthan Chhungi 
A/D Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation


Bible Sunday was celebrated in St. Matthew’s Tamil (CNI) Church on 18-08-2024.

word of thanks and appreciation to the pastor of the church Rev. Samuel Christdoss and the pastorate committed for giving the opportunity to observe Bible Sunday while we engaged with the transforming Word of God.


Annual Thanksgiving Service

Annual Thanksgiving Service of the Calcutta Auxiliary was held in the Bible House on August 26, 2024. Thanksgiving message was delivered by the Chief Guest and the newly nominated President of the Auxiliary Bishop Rt. Revd Dr Paritosh Canning, Bishop of  Church of North India, Calcutta Diocese. Bishop Canning spoke about different roles the body of Christ is playing, even as the BSI is appointed for the Bible Ministry to cater to the Bible needs of the church and individuals. Bishop Samuel Sharma offered prayer for the BSI ministry. It was a blessed service. The Calcutta Auxiliary is looking forward to gaining new heights under the leadership of Bishop Canning as its new President.


68th Annual Meeting & Thanksgiving Service

BSI Kerala Auxiliary 68th Annual General Meeting and Thanksgiving Service held at CSI Cathedral, Kozhikode (Calicut) on 20th August 2024. The Auxiliary President Most Rev. Dr. Yuhanon Mar Chrysostomos Metropolitan presided the meeting, Most Rev. Dr Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan inaugurated the event. The Metropolitan exhorted through his inaugural message, that the Bible Society is responsible for giving the world the greatest treasure, the Word of God; and that each one of us should read and memorize the Scriptures with utmost respect and importance; and also need to be diligent at the local level in distributing the Bible to others with interest. Mr. Paul Stephen Marketing Director gave the key note address. Bishops and leaders representing the various Church denominations greeted the event.

Most Rev Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan, Rt Rev. V.S. Francis, Dr. Sabu T. Thomas were elected as the President, Vice President and Treasurer of the Kerala Auxiliary respectively. The occasion was attended by 550 participants, including Clergies, Pastors, Auxiliary Committee members, Regional/Branch leaders and members from various churches. We thank the general convenors Rev. Jacob Daniel, Rev. Dr. T. I. James, Kozhikode Branch members and everyone who worked hard behind the scenes, for a blessed functioning of the meeting. The Bible exhibition and sales were also arranged by the Auxiliary staff.

BIBLE Distribution & Support For Wayanad

The Bible Society of India Kerala Auxiliary distributed Bibles, and other financial provisions to the calamity affected people in Wayanad. And in collaboration with World Cassette Outreach distributed Audio Bibles too at Meppady CSI Church on 30th August 2024. The Most. Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan, Auxiliary President inaugurated the distribution programme in the presence of Rt. Rev. Dr. Mathews Mar Makarios Episcopa. The BSI National leaders Mr. Caleb Martin, Mr. James Ragland WCOI Director, clergies and pastors graced the occasion. We thank our General Secretary Rev. Dr. Kavito G Zhimo for all the support and provisions. Rev. N. K. Sunny BSI Wayanad Regional co-ordinator organised the programme. We thank Meppady church vicar Rev. P. V. Cherian for arranging church facility and providing all necessary help. We thank all who worked hard behind the successful functioning of the programme. We also visited  Chooralmala and Mundakai, the disaster affected areas in Wayand.

Auxiliary New Office Bearers Induction Service

The Induction Service of the new Office bearers of BSI Kerala Auxiliary was held at Bible House Kottayam on 26th August 2024. The Most Rev Dr Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan was inducted as President, Rt. Rev. V.S. Francis as Vice-President, and Dr Sabu T. Thomas as the Treasurer. The BSI National Executive Committee substitute member Very Rev. K. Y. Jacob presided the meeting, Fr. Dr Reji Mathew and Rev Dr. V. S. Varughese felicitated. Rev. T. J. Bejoy led the Thanksgiving prayer. The Auxiliary new officials and former officials – Rt. Rev. Dr. Oommen George and Mr. Jacob John addressed the gathering. Clergies, pastors, Auxiliary Committee members, Diocesan officials, Branch members and Auxiliary staff graced the occasion. We extend our thanks to everyone for their prayers and support.

BSI Trivandrum Regional Meet

The combined Regional Annual Meet of the three regions of Trivandrum and special prayer for Wayanadu held at YMCA Trivandrum on 3rd August 2024. The Meeting presided by Chev Dr. Koshy M George, Trivandrum Central Region Co-ordinator. Col P John William- Territorial Commander, Salvation Army inaugurated the programme and the Auxiliary Secretary gave the Key note Address. Rev. Dr. C. I. David Joy- Auxiliary Committee Member, Mr. Santhosh Kumar- Trivandrum South Region Co-ordinator and Mr. G Gunamani- Trivandrum East Region Co-ordinator presented greetings at the event. Many other clergies and pastors graced the occasion. Branch officials and members from three regions attended the event. We really appreciate the great co-ordination of Chev. Dr. Koshy M George behind the successful functioning of the meeting.


The Odisha Auxiliary praise God for the grace and mercy they have received from God through their various activities in the past one month where they were able to reach out to Churches, institutions and individuals for Scripture engagement and for the Bible ministry in different parts of the state.

Bible Sundays: In the month of August on various Sundays such as 4th, 11th and 18th the Auxiliary was blessed with opportunities to celebrate Bible Sundays in the Mount House Church of God, Cuttack Odia Baptist Church, and in the Church of God within the city of Cuttack. In all these churches, the congregations were very receptive and supportive through their prayers and offerings for the Bible Ministry. We thank all pastors and pastoral committees for their support and partnership for the Bible cause.

Bible Festival in the city of Puri: The State Level Bible Festival was organised in the Temple city of Puri on 24th & 25th Aug, 2024. About 100 participants representing different districts of Odisha participated. They are our volunteers, prayer partners, donors, and leaders from different churches. It was a very meaningful and encouraging time for the Odisha Auxiliary in our ministry. Rev Dr. Bijaya Kumar Pattnaik, BSI, Vice President addressed the gathering. Rev. Abhiram Keshari Sing was the Speaker for the day. Mr. Pravakar Pattnaik, President, Odisha Auxiliary moderated the session. All Auxiliary staff were involved in different activities that were assigned to them for the successful programme. Our heartful thanks to Mrs. Minati Pani and family for their great support by providing lodging and boarding for all our delegates in their Hotel Paradise, Puri.  May God continue to bless them marvelously for their generous support for the Bible cause.

Staff Meeting: On 29thAugust, the Auxiliary had a very productive staff meeting for review and planning to move forward and to rely on God’s guidance and protection to face any challenges in the days to come.


Youth Retreat Held at Himalayan Torch Bearer, Dehradun:  On August 29th and 30th, 2024, the Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation Department in partnership with the Allahabad Auxiliary and the Lucknow Diocese, Church of North India organised a programme on the theme “BSI Ministry and the Significance of Youth Volunteers for God’s Word for the Youth of Lucknow Diocesan, Church of North India, Allahabad Auxiliary. 81 Youth participated in the Retreat Programme. It was a very meaningful beginning for the Allahabad Auxiliary to have this blessed partnership endeavour with the major Church denomination in the Allahabad Auxiliary. The initiative taken by Rev. Gershombhai Kristi, Auxiliary Secretary (Pro-tem), the Rt. Rev. Morris Dan, Bishop of Lucknow Diocese, CNI and Dr. Hrangthan Chhungi, the A/D – Church, Public  Relations and Resource Mobilisation is commendable. Sharing resources through partnership is such a significant collaboration between the BSI and the Church in Allahabad Auxiliary for the first time. Our sincere thanks to Rev. Dr. Kavito G. Zhimo, General Secretary of the BSI for his vision and hope expressed through this programme for the Allahabad Auxiliary.

We acknowledge the leadership of Rev Manish Zaidi, Secretary, CNI Lucknow Diocese, who is also the Vice-President of the Allahabad Auxiliary for his active involvement in the two days programme. His presence made effective participation of youth in the programme. The Youth enthusiasm was a great encouragement for the BSI – Allahabad Auxiliary for the follow up programmes throughout the Lucknow Churches and for greater Allahabad Auxiliary area as they commit to be an ambassador for Christ and the Bible to their peer group, and to volunteer themselves for the BSI ministry  in their respective areas and churches. The contribution of Rev. Sudhakara Raju, Manager, CPRRMD was impactful as he inspired the youth through Bible Quiz and a talk on youth issues. The collaboration between BSI Allahabad Auxiliary and CNI Lucknow Diocese, with the support of BSI’s leadership, proved to be a significant and historic one. All praise and glory to God!

Observance of International Literacy Day

Every year on September 9, the world celebrates International Literacy Day. The BSI joined in the celebration of this important day too across India from the Central Office to all the 17 Auxiliaries and the Translation Centre, Shillong. The BSI  has deeply understood the significance and impact of literacy for everyone to have access to the Bible – through reading, writing, and understanding the message of Hope and Love embedded in the Bible; through hearing and seeing the Word of God for Transformation, Peace and finding the true meaning of life. Literacy programme is one of the important projects in which the BSI is also part of the greater United Bible Societies efforts of taking literacy to every nook and corner of the world, thus creating a platform for people to have access to the Word of God. We are thankful to the Media, Communication and Information Technology Department for preparing the meaningful Order of  Worship.