1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus
Gracious God,
We come before You with hearts overflowing with gratitude and praise for the marvelous work You are accomplishing through the ministry of the Bible Society of India. Thank You, Lord, for the diversity and richness of this ministry, which reflects Your boundless love and desire to reach every soul in our nation. We thank You for the many activities carried out by the Auxiliaries and the Central Office during this month of August. In every effort, every event, and every outreach, we see Your hand guiding and blessing the work being done. We acknowledge Your presence in the dedication of every individual involved – those who plan, those who labor, and those who give their time and resources (donors and volunteers) to ensure that Your Word reaches the farthest corners of our land. Loving God, we are especially grateful for the Scripture needs that the Bible Society of India is meeting across so many language groups. We thank You for the translations, the distribution efforts, and Scripture engagement through various platforms that has touched the hearts of people by Your Word. The work of the BSI is a powerful testament to Your desire for all people to know You and to experience the life-changing power of Your Word.
All Sustaining God, we recognize that BSI ministry is not without challenges, yet we see Your faithfulness in every testimony shared by those who love your Word. You have provided the wisdom, the strength, and the resources needed to carry out this crucial mission. For this, we give You all the glory. We ask that You continue to pour out Your blessings upon the Bible Society of India. We lift up to You every person who receives Your Word, may their hearts be opened, their lives transformed, and their spirits renewed by the truth and love found in the Scriptures.
We thank You, God, for the BSI ministry, and we dedicate it once again to Your glory and honor. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we pray. Amen.
By Dr. Hrangthan Chhungi
A/D Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation
Tribal and Adivasi Day was observed on August 9, 2024 in BSI Offices across India. The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples was first pronounced by the General Assembly of the United Nations in December 1994. By resolution 49/214 of 23 December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly decided that the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People shall be observed on 9th August every year. By following this UN day, during the Annual General Body Meeting of National Council of Churches in India, in Bangalore, for the first-time announced observance of the NCCI-Tribal and Adivasi Sunday. The Bible Society of India observed this day on the theme for this year’s Tribal and Adivasi Sunday “Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact.” The preamble of the Indian Constitution was read out solemnly:
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation.
We had Dr. Kaholi Zhimo, Professor, United Theological College, Bangalore was invited to speak in the LOGOS. She spoke from 1 Kings 21, about Naboth’s land and drew a parallel to today’s context of land grabbing. Intercessory prayers were offered for the tribal and adivasi communities. It was a meaningful day of observance.
International youth Day was observed on August 12, 2024 all across BSI offices. The Theme for International Youth Day 2024 is ‘Youth Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development. Digitalization is transforming our world, offering unprecedented opportunities to accelerate sustainable development. This theme focuses on how young people utilize digital technologies to contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The BSI Northwest India Auxiliary prepared a very meaningful order of worship and the same was adapted. The BSI Staff shared the Word according to their context.
William Carey’s Day was celebrated on August 19, 2024 in BSI across the country. William Carey (17thAugust 1761 – 9thJune 1834) was the “Father of Modern Missions”. He was an English Christian Missionary, a Church minister, translator, social reformer and cultural anthropologist who founded the Serampore College (University), the first degree-awarding university in India. The Serampore Mission Press was founded by William Carey, William Ward and other missionaries in 10th January 1800. The press produced 212,000 books between 1800 and 1832. In August 1800, the press published a Bengali translation of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. It also published religious Christian tracts, Indian literary works, translations of the Bible in twenty-five Indian vernaculars and other South Asian languages.
It was at Fort William (where William Carey had taught), on 21 February 1811, a meeting was held at the college for the purpose of instituting a Bible Society. Initially it was an Auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society established in London, entitled “The Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society” with the same objectives as those in London. This Auxiliary Bible Society in Serampore, West Bengal first began an attempt to coordinate the supply of Scriptures to existing Christians in Portuguese, Tamil, Sinhalese, Malayalam, and Canarese languages. This day is very important in the life of the Bible Society of India, as we are involved in making the Bible Available, Affordable and Accessible. We thanked God for the contributions made by William Carey and his friends. We were challenged by the life and testimony of Carey. We are thankful to the BSI Shillong Auxiliary for Order of Worship prepared for the occasion.
A day of fasting and prayer was organized on August 23, 2024 all across the BSI offices in India. This day was set apart to intercede for the nation, the persecuted Church and the BSI ministry. We facilitated the Morning Prayer virtually. Rev. Abraham Varghese, Pastor-in-Charge, Bethel AG International Church, Bangalore was the Guest Speaker for the day and his son Mr Ashish accompanied him. Pastor Abraham Varghese spoke from 1 Chronicles 7:14. He focussed on humbling oneself in fasting and being a recipient of God’s healing and blessing.
The day was set apart for the individual staff to spend time alone for prayer and intercession. We were challenged by the testimonies of Rev. Manoj Gohil and Rev. Harsid C Christian full time ministers for their dedicated ministry amidst persecution for the Gospel sake. The conversation after the prayer with our Guest Speaker was a blessed one for our Church relations to grow deeper. We are thankful to BSI Gujarat Auxiliary for preparing a very meaningful Order of Worship.