
Thanksgiving for Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko and Installation of Rev. Dr. Kavito G. Zhimo

A blessed thanksgiving for Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko, the former General Secretary, BSI and installation service of Rev. Dr. Kavito G. Zhimo, the new General Secretary, BSI was held on March 2, 2023 at St. Mark’s Cathedral, Bangalore at 4.30 p.m. Imminent guests – Christian leaders, pastors, institutional heads, BSI officers, Executive Members, Auxiliary Secretaries, staff of central office, former staff, donors and friends of BSI were present.

 The service was conducted beautifully by the St. Mark’s Cathedral Presbyter-in-charge Rev. Dr. Vincent Vinod Kumar. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Prasanna Kumar Samuel, Bishop, CSI Karnataka Central Diocese and President of BSI Karnataka Auxiliary was the speaker for the event.  Bishop while thanking the former GS for his service and contribution to the BSI, encouraged the new GS and blessed him with a new strength and zeal to carry the BSI ministry to greater heights in the midst of our country’s challenging social and political scenario.

Dr. Mrs. Leelavathi Vemuri, the President of BSI installed Rev. Dr. Kavito G. Zhimo as the new General Secretary of The Bible Society of India in a very solemn atmosphere.

The President of BSI felicitated the former GS, Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko with great words of appreciation for his 12 years of service in BSI. Rev. Lyndan Syiem, Member – NEITAC and President, BSI Shillong Auxiliary felicitated Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko.  In response, Dr. Chacko spoke about his past, present and future as how God has led him. He thanked the office bearers of the BSI and the staff for their ardent support during his tenure in BSI. St. Mark’s Cathedral choir favoured us with a special song, this added to the flavour of the entire service. Few dignitaries were invited to say greetings and showered their blessings to the new General Secretary of BSI with a promise to have a closer partnership

1. His Grace Archbishop Peter Machado, metropolitan, Archbishop of Bangalore Diocese.
2. Rev. Asir Ebenezer, General Secretary, National Council of Churches in India
3. Rev. Rammawipuia Pachuau, Pastor, Bangalore Mizo Presbyterian Church, Mizoram Synod.
4. Dr. Julian Sundersingh, Ministry Resource Facilitator & Global Literacy Coordinator, United Bible Societies, Bangalore
5. Prof. Rev. Dr. Akheto Sema, General Secretary, Council of Baptist Churches in North East India, Guwahati, Assam

In response to the greetings, Rev. Dr. Kavito G. Zhimo thanked God for choosing him for the Bible Cause.  He assured in the presence of God and in the presence of God’s people that he will remain faithful to the calling and will take the Bible Society of India to greater heights. 

Imminent guests and dignitaries who graced the occasion praised and thanked God, and blessed the BSI for its remarkable ministry in bringing God’s word to people for over 212 years thus far.