On June 2, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. the Bible Society of India Central Office, The Book Room and the Karnataka Auxiliary had a Thanksgiving and Farewell function for one of our staff Mrs. Roselyn Joyce on her retirement day after serving the Bible Society of India for 30 long years. Mr. Tinku George and Mr. G. R. Samal from the Finance Department had given remarkable farewell speeches. Two of them talked about their fond acquaintances with Mrs. Roselyn Joyce as a woman of caring, quiet nature, yet open for conversation.
She served the BSI with thankful heart, diligence and sincerity. Her concerns for other colleagues’ welfare and family well-being are something worth to learn from her. In her response to the farewell speeches, she expressed her sincere thanks to the General Secretary, all the directors of BSI for their guidance and support throughout her service and thanks all her colleagues in BSI. The progamme was beautifully anchored by Mr. Dot Rajan. The BSI Choir rendered special pre-recorded song for Mrs. Roselyn Joyce and she was presented cheques, shawls, memento and citation as a mark of gratitude from the Bible Society of India.
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