Dr.Hrangthan Chhungi gives the lead to the Church Relations and Resource Mobilisation Department.
Dr.Chhungi has vast experience and expertise in working with Churches and Church related ecumenical organization. Besides she has taught Old Testament for several years and helped train Church leaders across India. Dr.Chhungi is thrilled about her new role at the BSI “It’s my parents dream come true”, she says.
Dr.Chhungi has been involved in fund raising campaigns even while she was a child.
“I got involved in many activities of the BSI Aizawl Auxiliary and have sung in many of the finance campaigns for the Bible cause”, she reminiscences.
Dr.Chhungi hails from the state of Mizoram in the North Eastern part of India. She is passionate about taking the Scripture Engagement and Trauma Healing programme to various Churches across India. She is thankful to all the donors of the Bible Society of India across India. Her vision (in her own words) is to work closer with the Churches with a true spirit of ecumenism and help the Church to effectively engage with the Bible and use the digital to build digital communities that would support the Bible cause.
Dr.Chhungi is married to a Lutheran Pastor Rev.J.Jeremiah Andderson and is blessed with two daughters Joanne Thangi and Suzanne Sangi and a son Jehu Anderson.
Dr.Chhungi is a Writer, Speaker and Resource person on various contemporary issues. She has to her credit several articles published in various journals at National and International forums.