The BSI Allahabad Auxiliary conducted a special meeting for Senior citizens. This first-time ever initiative had a good response. The event was filled with laughter, sharing of life and memories and prayer for the Bible cause.
This was a unique program and many participants wanted to have another get-together again. Most of the participants were members of the Bible Society. Mrs. Aruna Swarup, another participant at the event said: I am proud to be a member of the Bible Society. I am blessed and I thank God for the opportunity to be a part of the Bible Society Movement”. We pray that God would help us bless people with innovative programs to reach out to those who love the Bible and the cause of the Bible!.
“So even to old age and grey hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.” Psalms 71:18 (ESV) Senior citizens are mostly neglected if not forgotten. The BSI Allahabad Auxiliary conducted a special meeting for Senior citizens. This first-time ever initiative had a good response. About 100 senior citizens attended the program and were blessed. Rev. Chittaranjan Polson, Secretary, BSI Allahabad Auxiliary shared about how Apostle Paul viewed the sunset years of his life and encouraged the senior citizens to find strength, hope, and comfort in God’s Word. Mrs. Shirley who attended the program wrote saying, “ Thank God for the lovely get together with people of my age. I pray for courage to pass the rest of life in the presence of God”.
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