The Ao Naga Audio Bible was released on April 10, 2022 at the Dimapur Ao Baptist Church, Dimapur, Nagaland. The program was well attended by the members of the Church and the Ao Baptist Church Association Leaders. The release program began with a word of prayer by the Senior Pastor Rev. Wati Jamir. A brief report on the project was shared by Mr. Apok Jamir the then Secretary, Literature and Education, ABAM, this was followed by greetings from Rev. Dr Yipesto Wezah, Auxiliary Secretary of Dimapur Auxiliary, the Bible Society of India. The release of the Ao Naga Audio Bible was graced by Rev. Dr. W. Along Jamir, Director, Translation, The Bible Society of India. The message was delivered by Rev. Dr. Mar Pongen, the Executive Secretary of ABAM. Closing prayer and benediction was offered by Rev. Dr N. Tzudir, former Senior Pastor of DABA.
The Ao New Testament was released in 1929 and the complete Bible in 1964. The release of the Ao Naga Audio Bible adds a new accomplishment for the Ao Naga people in availing the Word of God. Special mention of appreciation and thanks were made by the leaders from the Ao Baptist Church Association to the Bible Society of India for all the support and making the Audio Bible project possible.
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