
Observance of International Literacy Day on September 8, 2022

The family of the Bible Society of India, throughout the Central Offices, Translation Centre Shillong and all our 17 Auxiliaries observed the International Literacy Day declared by the United Nations Organization on September 8, 2022, in our respective offices. This day was observed with morning prayer by following a very meaningful Order of Worship prepared by the Media and Special Audience Department, Bible Society of India. Praying for those who are not able to read and write, those who do not have the opportunities of learning and are denied access to knowledge. We have meditated on the selected biblical text Joshua 1: 7 – 9, as a reminder of the importance of learning and following God’s command. The mission of God is to get involved in teaching and Scripture Engagement with those who are ignorant and who do not know how to read and write.

Odisha Auxiliary

Indeed it was a great time to observe “International Literacy Day” in our Odisha Auxiliary meaningfully by following the order of service prepared by the Media Department.

It was wonderful to have Mrs Sushanna Pramanik, Translation Advisor, BSI Bangalore and the Kuvi consultation team as we observed International Literacy Day even as the Kuvi Bible consultation is an ongoing project under their leadership. The sharing from the word of God by Rev. Prabhudas Sirka, one of our Translators of the Kuvi Bible, was very encourageous. We gave thanks to God for those who can read the Bible and also have prayed for all those who are yet to be literate.

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