
Obituary: Rev. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose

Dear Co-Workers in Christ!

With profound sorrow, we share the news of the demise of Rev. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose on the morning of December 9, 2021 in a hospital at Hyderabad.

Rev. Dr. Chandra Bose was the President of the Bible Society of India between 2013 to 2019, Vice-President between 2007 to 2013 and he served as the Executive Committee member until the end.   He was 72 years old.  His funeral was held on the 10th December 2021 at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.  Rev. Dr. Bose is survived by his dear wife, the Vice-President of the Bible Society of India, Dr. Mrs.  P. Leela Bose, a son and two daughters.

Rev. Dr. Chandra Bose was deeply involved in the work and ministry of the BSI both at Central Office and also at the Andhra Pradesh Auxiliary.   His love for God and God’s Word were truly commendable. The contributions he had made to the work and ministry of BSI is immeasurable.  He was a deeply committed and dedicated Christian leader.

We give thanks to God for the life and witness of Rev. Dr. Chandra Bose.  His demise has left a deep void in BSI which is difficult to fill. We will dearly miss him and would ever be grateful to Rev. Dr. Bose for the immense contributions he has made in fulfilling the Mission and Vision of BSI.

May the Lord comfort and strengthen Dr. Mrs. Leela Bose and the dear family members in this difficult time.

The thanksgiving service for the life and ministry of Rev. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose was held at Jehovah Shalom Church in Guntur on 17th December, 2021. The services rendered to several areas of ministry by Rev. Dr. Bose were remembered and in particular, his services towards the Bible cause were venerated. The Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko, BSI General Secretary, highlighted the contributions of Rev. Dr. Bose to BSI and in particular to Andhra Pradesh (AP) Auxiliary. Rev. K. John Vikram, AP Auxiliary Secretary, read out the condolence messages of Dr. Michael Perreau, UBS Director General, and the Most Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh, Moderator, CNI and President BSI. Bro. Johnson, AP Auxiliary President and Rev. K. John Vikram have presented 20 Bibles to the family of Late Rev. Dr. Bose to distribute to the staff of the Hospital which was his last desire.

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