
Four Students of United Theological College

Four Students of United Theological College – Bangalore, successfully completed their 25 Days of ​Intensive Field Education with the Bible Society of India

The Bible Society of India for the second time hosted four Students of UTC namely Mr. Samuel Sunith R. (BD 4), Mr. S. Ebinesar Christopher Moses (BD 3), Mr. Bruce K. Thangkhal (BD 2),​ and Mr. Vigil Wilson (from the ​Young Men’s ​​Christian ​​Association – YMCA​) for their 25 Days Intensive Field Education from October 10 to November 3, 2022. Together with all the ​staff of ​BSI​ under the leadership of the General Secretary, Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko, the UTC students had a very educative exposure in terms of Office Administration, Field Exposure with Scripture Engagement, ​Bible Archives, ​Financial Management, Property Management, Bible Translation Process, Media Engagement, Information and Technological scales, Production of Scripture and Engagement with the Printing Press and  Marketing Strategy of the ​ministry of the Bible​Society of India.

The students had the privilege of meeting with all our 17 Auxiliary Secretaries online and face to face​,​ thereby, having ​first-hand information on​ the functioning and ministry of the Bible Society of India across our country.

The students greatly valued the mission mandate of the Bible Society of India to making the Bible Available, Affordable, and ​Accessible in every heart’s language across our country. As the BSI works towards reaching out ​to ​everyone with the Scripture, the students pledged their commitment to ​being the agents of BSI to help achieve the mission mandate in every possible way. 

On their first day of orientation ie., October 10, 2022, when asked about their knowledge of the BSI, their responses were all in a few words – two of them said, “BSI is like a printing press, printing Bibles and selling them to the people​”. One student said “Conducting Programmes in the Churches” and the other one said “Bible Translation Agency”. All of them are right with their own limited knowledge. On the concluding programme on November 3, 2022 when the same question was placed before them again, their responses went on and on, written down on number of pages, and published on YouTube, it was clear that time was not sufficient for them to tell their knowledge of the BSI. They expressed their heartfelt thanks to the UTC Administration and the Bible Society of India for the arrangements made in such an intensive manner, exposure from a high level of office management to the poorest sections of the community with the utterly helpless communities of children and adults in our country. The holistic ministry of the Bible Society of India according to them, “could no longer be put in a few words as the Word of God penetrates each and every corner of human lives and with all creation, the history of the Bible from ancient time to this day – all are too huge for us to ​know them all​ within 25 days. We will visit ​the BSI​ as and when the time permits us, to continue our learning of the ministry of the Bible Society of India. An amazing and blessed institution with 211 years of existence serving God and the people of God”.  


  1. REPLY
    Doulallem Neihsial says

    Thankyou, Bible Society Of India for accommodating our UTC Friends and guiding them in a very enreaching manner. i appreciate the works of BSI and i even i mentions about the works and deeds of BSI in my sermon to different churches till today.
    I am one of the UTC student among the first batch of having exposer or internship field education at BSI just before pendamic.
    it was very remarkable and enreaching .thankyou BSI.

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