

1. “What Are You Doing Here”? – The Power of Discernment

Have you ever gotten somewhere and forgotten how or why you got there? We do it all the time with daily routines, going into auto-pilot mode for our most mundane tasks or daily excursions, so much so that sometimes we stop paying attention to what is happening until something out of the ordinary happens and gets our attention. Or, better yet – have you ever gotten somewhere and forgotten why you were there? Maybe it’s the grocery store or Target, or even your living room. You know you went in there for a reason, but for the life of you, you can’t remember what it was. Some say it’s a sign of aging, which is in part true, but it can also happen when we are stressed out or tired, and lack the capacity to retain information any longer.

2. Bible Society of India 2021 Christmas Carol Service

For the first time in the history of the Bible Society of India, a Christmas Carol Service was held for the whole family of the BSI across India virtually with the staff of Central Offices and 17 Auxiliaries on December 21, 2021 at 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

The BSI General Secretary, Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko joyfully welcomed all the staff across India through the Zoom platform and pleasantly introduced our special Guest and Speaker Rev. Dr. Sanjay A Paul, a Senior Pastor of the Methodist Church of India, Hyderabad Regional Conference, who is also a member of the BSI Executive Committee, and also the President of the Telangana Auxiliary to the online gathering. 

3. Bible Sunday

Aizawl Auxiliary:  As our annual event on every 1st Sunday of December, this year too on December 5, 2021, Bible Sunday was conducted across Aizawl Auxiliary

Odisha Auxiliary: Shared the Word of God in the Church of Epiphany, Cuttack at 9.00 a.m morning service on December 5, 2021.

Kerala AuxiliaryBible Exhibition and inauguration of the Bible Sunday 2021 by BSI Kerala Auxiliary in connection with the Golden Jubilee of BSI Kozhencherry on December 5, 2021.

Tamilnadu AuxiliaryA joyful Bible Sunday Service at CSI, Christ Church, Washermanpet, Chennai  on 05/12/2021.

4. Project Implementation

Empowering Widows and Suffering Women

The Calcutta Auxiliary is blessed with many opportunities to minister to the community and is grateful to the continued support of the CRRM department for its encouragement and its support towards various projects.

Church Relations and Resource Mobilization Department held “Empowering Widows and Suffering Women in India.” programme in Batala city with the BSI North West India Auxiliary

Rev. Sudhakara Raju, Manager, Church Relations and Resource Mobilisation Department, BSI and Rev. Gershombhai Kristi, Auxiliary Secretary, BSI Northwest India Auxiliary in co-ordination with the CNI, Amritsar Diocese, The Central Methodist Church, Batala, The Salvation Army, Divisional Headquarters and the Independent Churches in Batala coordinated four days programmes of Scripture Engagement for Youth, Pastors and Women from December 9th to 11th, 2021.

5. Obituary: Rev. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose

Dear Co-Workers in Christ!

With profound sorrow, we share the news of the demise of Rev. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose on the morning of December 9, 2021 in a hospital at Hyderabad.

Rev. Dr. Chandra Bose was the President of the Bible Society of India between 2013 to 2019, Vice-President between 2007 to 2013 and he served as the Executive Committee member until the end.   He was 72 years old.  His funeral was held on the 10th December 2021 at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.  Rev. Dr. Bose is survived by his dear wife, the Vice-President of the Bible Society of India, Dr. Mrs.  P. Leela Bose, a son and two daughters.

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