
Church, Public Relations & Resource Mobilisation Department, Initial Equipping Session – Trauma Healing

A brief report of the Trauma Healing Initial Equipping Sessions held at Praggoloy, Pastoral and Development Center, Kolkata (5 th -9 th  July, 2022) and YMCA International House, Mumbai (11 th – 15 th  July, 2022).

We begin this report by thanking God Almighty for His blessings on  the Initial Equipping Sessions  held in Kolkata and Mumbai. By God’s grace the programmes went on very well and all the participants were so grateful to BSI for organizing such a programme which according to them was unique.  We were blessed to lead the Trauma Healing Programme in India through our 17 Auxiliaries. After organizing four such programmes in different parts of the country for different groups of people, we realized how important this BSI ministry is as the Trauma Healing touches lives through the Word of God. 

The Initial Equipping Sessions in Kolkata began on the 5 th  of July 2022 at Proggoloy, a Catholic Centre. We are thankful to Rev. Philip Bhari, Auxiliary Secretary, BSI Calcutta Auxiliary and Rev. Gershombhai Kristi, Pro tem, BSI Bombay Auxiliary and their team had done their best in arranging suitable places for the programme. We had participants from Andaman Nicobar Islands, Kolkata, Ranchi, Odisha, Bombay, Gujarat and Karnataka along with the respective Auxiliary Secretaries. There were 48 participants from all these states. Mrs. Amber Bernard, Rev. Shashikala Alva and Rev. Sudhakara Raju facilitated the Sessions.  Most of the participants including the Auxiliary Secretaries testified that they were personally blessed by the programme and assured us that the same would be taken back to their families and Churches that are in need of healing from their wounded hearts. Since the programme is Bibleis based, it helped the participants to engage themselves more with the Word of God and to know about the God of the Bible in the process of finding healing for their wounded hearts.

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