

Taste and See that the LORD is Good!

The goodness of God is not only an attribute of God but a foundational truth every Christian should embrace. Many of us who check the news everyday may be dismayed to see all sorts of bad and unpleasant things happening around the world. With all the bad news circulating around us, we sometimes get caught up with negativity around us and are threatened to draw away from God. Therefore, it is important for us to learn to detect the movement of God and see the goodness of God in everything, everywhere….

Rev. Remlalfaka,

Auxiliary Secretary, BSI, Aizawl Auxiliary.

Celebration of International Translation Day at Telangana Auxiliary

30 th September is celebrated as International Translation Day. As the Bible Society of India, Telangana Auxiliary staff we have celebrated it with the Deaf and Speech impaired community members, it was a wonderful experience to learn something new and good. We had Mrs. Persiswho is a Librarian at Govt. Degree College, Bhodhan, Mr. Rambabu who works as Cash Counter Attendant in KFC, Secunderabad and Mrs. Nagendramma who works as a Cook and Cleaner in a Hostel, ECIL…..

66th Annual General Meeting & Thanks giving Service of the Kerala Auxiliary

The 66 th Annual General Meeting & Thanksgiving Service of the Kerala Auxiliary was held on Saturday, 1 st October 2022 at All Saints CSI Church, Thrissur. It was presided over by Auxiliary President Most Rev. Dr. Yuhanon Mar Chrysostomos Metropolitan. The Rt. Rev. Baker Ninan Fenn, Bishop in CSI Cochin Diocese inaugurated the Meeting.

The Bible Society of India and the Catholic Church Affinity
The Kannada Inter-Confessional Bible Workshop

It was God’s grace that has sustained the smooth functioning of the Re-editing Kannada of Inter- Confessional Bible project. It is an ongoing translation project comprising of the dedicated Core Translator Team both from the BSI-Catholic institutions. The translation checking has been conducting through the extensive Translators’ Workshops in the BSI William Carey Centre Office, under the supervision and guidance of Rev. Dr. Along Jamir, Translation Director, Translation Department…..

Intercessory Prayer

Thank you for your prayer support for the Bible exhibition in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Auxiliary held during October 2 to October 9, 2022 to different churches. We had a blessed programme. Continue to pray for the minsitry of the Bible Society of India in these Islands so that Bible may reach everyone who is in need of God’s word. Pray for the distribution of offering boxes as we plan to reach out to all our well wishers in the islands.


  1. REPLY
    G JOSHUA says

    Praise God 🙌,

    Greetings in the name of LORD & SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST to all the members of BSI,

    I want to convey my Thanks & Regards to all for your Sacrificial, Priceless & Precious work of producing Bibles & Proclaiming Gospel to world in many ways.

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