

Reflection on Psalm 104: Appreciating God’s Creation and Our Responsibilities

As the whole world had just celebrated the World Environment Day on June 5th, 2023 let me reflect in a few lines from one of the most beautiful Creation Psalm found in our Bible Psalm 104. This Psalm invites us to contemplate the beauty and intricacy of God’s creation, emphasizing the interconnectivity between the natural world and the divine. As we reflect on this psalm, we are reminded of our role as stewards of the Earth and the responsibility we have to care for and protect the environment...

By Dr. Hrangthan Chhungi

A/D – Church, Public Relations and Resource Mibilisation

Observance of UN World Environment Day in the Bible Society of India

On June 5th, 2023 the Bible Society of India, celebrated World Environment Day as part of the Combined Prayer Fellowship of the central Office and the 17 Auxiliaries across India. The event took place virtually on Zoom platform. The highlight of the occasion was a thought-provoking message delivered by Rev. Dr. Rohan Gideon, Professor of Theology at the United Theological College…

Braille Bibles in Seven More New Languages

The Bible Society of India (BSI) will be publishing seven new Braille Bibles in Saurashtra, Rabha, Ao-Naga, Angami-Naga, Biate, Sumi, and Mara languages. This is a significant step towards providing visually impaired individuals with access to the holy scriptures in their heart language…

Transforming Lives: Five New Audio Bible Productions Underway

In a world where accessibility to the Bible texts can be a challenge for various individuals, the production of audio Bibles has emerged as a powerful tool. These audio versions serve as a valuable resource for the visually impaired, elderly, sick, and working people, enabling them to engage with God’s Word and find solace…

ODISHA AUXILIARY: Scripture Engagement and Distribution of 250 Children Bibles:

the BSI Odisha Auxiliary organized a Scripture Engagement program with the objective of providing Children Bibles to underprivileged 250 children in the Roman Catholic Churches of Khurda District…


After receiving the surprised gift of the Children’s Pictorial Bible from the Bible Society of India, Supria Singh was speechless for a moment and then expressed immense joy and gratitude…


PROCLAIM – BSI Musical Evening and New Branch formation: BSI Poojapura Branch, Trivandrum….


The national Bible fair was conducted in Tirunelveli for the first time in association with Tamil Nadu Auxiliary and The Book Room. The exhibition was inaugurated by Bishop Rt Rev Barnabas of CSI Tirunelveli Diocese and was well attended by the Church leaders and pastors…

Celebrating a Milestone: New Testament Translation

In a significant achievement for the Mundari community of Odisha, India, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Bible Society of India and the Indian Bible Translators for their dedicated efforts in completing the translation of the New Testament into the Mundari language….

Pawri New Testament Translation

The Pawri indigenous people, residing in the regions of Madhya Pradesh and Eastern Maharashtra in India, have recently received a significant milestone in their spiritual journey. The translation of the New Testament into their language marks a momentous achievement, made possible by the dedicated efforts of the Friends Missionary Prayer Bands in partnership with the Bible Society of India…

In Loving Memory of Rev Dr. Simon Peter Mukhama CEO and General Secretary, Bible Society of Uganda

It is with heavy hearts and profound sadness that we bid farewell to our dear friend, Rev Dr. Simon Peter Mukhama, who departed to glory on the morning of May 12, 2023, in Uganda. As CEO and General Secretary of the Bible Society of Uganda, Rev Dr. Simon played a vital role in advancing the mission of spreading the Word of God throughout the nation…