

The Dignified Donkey – Reading Bible with Diligence in Search of Dignit

I confess that reading The Parable of The Good Samaritan from a human dignity perspective has really widened my horizons of thinking. I wish to concentrate exclusively on the parable rather than the dialogue before that.

Firstly, the Priest and the Levite. Here we have to consider social dignity, which converts a person to a distinguished dignitary (DD) in society…….

Rev. John Basy Paul,

Auxiliary Secretary, BSI Telangana Auxiliary

Celebration of Indian Christian Day by the Bible Society of India

The Bible Society of India celebrated Indian Christian Day on July 4, 2022, as part of the BSI staff online morning worship across India through the Zoom platform. Indian Christian Day was celebrated across India by the churches and Christian Organizations on July 3, 2022……..

The Release of the Trial Version of the Interconfessional Four Gosples in Kannada

The Bible Society of India and the Karnataka Regional Catholic Bishops’ Council had signed a Memorundum of Understanding for this partnership project on July 19, 2021 after several rounds of  meetings of the Steering Committee representing both the BSI and the Catholic Church under the leadership of His Grace Archbishop Peter Machado, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangalore and Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko, the General Secretary and the CEO of the Bible Society of India……

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