
BSI Bimonthly E-NEWSLETTER Jan 2024 2nd Edition

Morning Mercies:
Embracing the Consistent Faithfulness of God

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23

To understand the context of these verses, it’s helpful to examine the entire passage and consider the circumstances that led to the writing of the book of Lamentations.

Lamentations, a collection of poetic laments traditionally attributed to the prophet Jeremiah, was penned in response to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. The people of Judah were exiled, and the city lay in ruins. Lamentations expresses deep sorrow, grief, and repentance in the face of this national tragedy.

In the midst of sorrow and despair, the verses in Lamentations 3:22-23 provide a glimmer of hope and comfort. They highlight the enduring nature of God’s love and mercy even in the darkest times. The author acknowledges the faithfulness of God, expressing confidence in His unwavering love and the daily renewal of His mercies.

The phrase “they are new every morning” suggests that God’s mercies are not only abundant and enduring but also fresh each day. It signifies a daily replenishing or refreshing of God’s compassion and grace. The imagery here is powerful, emphasizing that no matter how challenging the previous day, week, month, or years might have been, God’s mercies are fresh and available anew every morning.

This reflects the unchanging and faithful nature of God, providing comfort and hope to those who trust in Him. It underscores the idea that God’s love and compassion are not depleted or exhausted but are consistently renewed, offering a source of strength and encouragement each and every day.

Lessons We Can Take:

Hope and Renewal in our Struggles:
The idea that God’s mercies are “new every morning” can offer hope and encouragement in the face of political, financial, social, and communal challenges. Emphasizing the renewal of God’s mercies each day can inspire individuals to approach each new day with a sense of optimism, trusting that God’s faithfulness extends to all aspects of their lives.

Steadfastness in the Midst of Uncertainty:
The assurance of the Lord’s steadfast love, even when faced with confusion and challenges, can serve as a foundation for individuals to remain steadfast in their values and principles. The unchanging faithfulness of God can encourage people to persevere in pursuing justice, integrity, and compassion.

Community Building Through God’s Faithfulness:
The Bible Society of India serves to encourage a communal understanding of God’s faithfulness and foster unity and oneness. By emphasizing the shared reliance on the unwavering love of the Lord, individuals may find strength in coming together to address issues collectively. This perspective can promote empathy, cooperation, and a shared commitment to building a better future despite the uncertainties in various aspects of life.

May God guide us through life’s challenges. Grant us the wisdom to choose His will over our own, bring comfort to the troubled, and healing to the broken. May our actions be a reflection of love and kindness. Strengthen our faith, reminding us of His unwavering presence. In His mercy, guide us toward a world filled with love, peace, justice, and compassion.

Mr. Caleb Martin Hilton
Associate Director, BSI, Media and Special Audience

BOMBAY AUXILIARY: Bible Exhibition cum sale in Nagpur

On January 13th to 16th 2024, the Bombay Auxiliary organised Bible exhibition cum sale in Nagpur under the leadership of the BSI Nagpur Branch. Rt. Rev. Paul Dupare, Bishop of Nagpur Diocese and the Branch President inaugurated the Bible exhibition at SSI Hall, Mount Road, Nagpur on the 13th morning. Many pastors, leaders, Church members, and the Bible Society of India, Nagpur branch members were present for the exhibition. The crowd were very happy to see a lot of varieties of Bible in different languages at reasonable prices available in this exhibition after a very long time.  

It was a great joy to have a meeting with the members of the BSI Nagpur branch at 6:30 pm where the Bombay Auxiliary Secretary preached the word of God and encouraged and thanked the branch members for their active participation in the BSI ministry. The Auxiliary Secretary had the privilege of preaching at the All Saints Cathedral and in St. Thomas CNI Church on a Sunday morning the 14th January.

On 15th, Monday, the General Secretary of BSI Rev. Dr. Kavito G. Zhimo visited the Bible exhibition and in the evening at 6:00 pm, he had a very fruitful and meaningful meeting with the Bombay Auxiliary staff along with Nagpur branch leaders.

It was a very impressive response from the community of Nagpur city to our Bible exhibition cum sale, we had good sales, donations and promises to support the BSI ministry. The people of Nagpur branch were very thankful to the Bombay Auxiliary leadership and the GS for organising the much needed Bible exhibition cum sale and meeting. We thank God for the success of these four days programme. 


We thank and praise God for enabling us to distribute the Bibles to those who are in dire need.   Engaging children and widows with God’s Word in different places of Ganjam and Koraput Districts of Odisha on December 6 and 7, 2023 where 300 Odia Bibles and 40 Telugu Bibles were distributed. On January 21, 2024 Scripture engagement programme was held in Sanshaluda, Paradeep District of Jagatsingpur where 60 Telugu Bibles were distributed to the deserving poor women. It was an immensely joyful experience for all of us here in Odisha Auxiliary.

The beneficiaries were very happy to receive the Odia and Telugu Bibles.  Many of them shared how eager they were to receive God’s Word in their heart language.  They received the Bibles with grateful hearts and thanked the Bible Society of India for making it possible.


I am thankful to God and the Bible Society of India for providing me a copy of the Bible. Even as my Bible is already worn out, am so thankful to the BSI for this gift of Bible at  the right time. I love to read Bible and particularly when I am down, I read and rely on God and God  gives me peace through His Word. I always seek for this spiritual food through which I get strength. I want to give my heartiest thanks to Odisha Auxiliary.” – Ms. A. Niharika

“I belong to a large family. For a long time, I was in distress and pain but throughout my life I depended on God. Whenever I read Psalms 34:4-5, I am encouraged; it touches my life to give thanks to our living God. I always try to be happy in this world because I trust God’s Word. At times, when I was in deep sorrow, the Word of God came as a reminder that God is my help, and comfort. I needed a Bible but could not afford. After long years of waiting, now I have received a Bible through the BSI Odisha Auxiliary and am so grateful to God.” – Mrs. Sabina Sirka

“I love to read Bible from my childhood. When I go through pain in my life the Word of God always comforts me. Even as my Bible is worn out and was wishing to have a new one but have no money to buy one, I prayed to God then I came to know the Bible Society of India, Odisha Auxiliary was organising a program in our locality, and with prayer I attended the meeting. Unexpectedly, copies of the Bible were given to us free of cost for those who do not have money to buy. I really thank God and Bible Society of India, Odisha Auxiliary for giving me a Bible, which I trully needed for long.” – Mrs. Manjula Khosla

“I thank God for the opportunity to attend the woman’s meeting arranged by BSI, Odisha Auxiliary in our locality. When I heard about this meeting, I decided not to attend due to sickness. But God answered my prayer and I could make it for the meeting. For many months, I asked one of my brothers to get me a Bible but in vain! I believe this is God’s appointed time for me that the BSI had arranged a program to have a new Bible. I love it. Thanks to BSI, Odisha Auxiliary. Now I will read the Word more often and keep it in my heart to understand the love that God has shown to me and stand for God as witness in all seasons.” – Mrs. Jyoti Pani

DIMAPUR AUXILIARY: Bible Engagement with Poor Widows and Children

During December 12 to 24, 2023 the BSI Dimapur Auxiliary was able to organise Scripture engagement programmes in various places. It was a great privilege that the Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation Department arranged 63 Bibles for free distributions to deserving persons with free of cost in various villages such at Sümi Village, Dimapur, at Seluophe Baptist Church, at Bethel Prayer Home, Dimapur, at Deomali Town Baptist Church, Arunachal Pradesh, District Hospital, Dimapur and at Bade Baptist Church. We praise and thank God for the Ministry of the BSI, serving the poor by providing them the Bible, the Word of Life, especially to those who literally could not afford to buy a copy of the Bible in the midst of their daily hardship for survival.


Ranchi Auxiliary organized a special program from 2nd – 5th November 2023 in different places of Ranchi District.

Annual Bible Exhibition & Annual Meeting on 2nd November 2023: Annual Meeting and Annual Bible exhibition were organized by the Ranchi Auxiliary. The program began at 4 pm at Bible House Ranchi. On this auspicious occasion Mr. Paul Stephen (BSI Director, Marketing & Publishing) as Chief Guest and our Auxiliary President the honourable Rt. Rev. Rajiw Satish Toppo graced the occasion with their kind presence. The students of St. Margaret School welcomed the honorable guests in a traditional manner. Right after the opening ceremony our honourable Auxiliary committee members, students and other visitors took the opportunity to see the exhibition and purchased different kinds of Bibles for their family members, friends and relatives. We are really grateful to all our partners who visited our exhibition.

The Ranchi Auxiliary Annual meeting was held in Hotel Maple wood. In the meeting, the chief guest shared the word of God and presented a short PPT about the Bible Society’s work. It was mesmerizing and helpful for all of us to understand our Bible Societies’ growth. Our Special thanks goes to our Mary Jones Committee and staff of Ranchi Auxiliary for their organizing skills.

Day with the Bible: A one day seminar was organized by BSI Ranchi Auxiliary on 3rd November at Maple wood. Around 150 donors, partners, Pastors and some young people participated in the seminar and were blessed. The theme was “Be Rooted in the word of God” which was taken from Joshua 1:8. Our President Rt. Rev. R. S. Toppo was the speaker for the day. He beautifully took the session that encouraged and inspired the participants to study the word of God more and more and apply those truths in their own lives.  The PPT presentation of Mr. Paul Stephen “God Created missionary” not only brought tears to everyone’s eyes but also created an atmosphere of self reflection. Rev. Soma Bhatkar gave a brief report about the progress of Bible work in Bihar and Jharkhand.

During feedback session Revd. Ashisan Bage the chief woman Director of GEL Church said that the sessions were not only filled with captivating and enlightening Bible expositions but also a period of self examination with questions like, where am I standing?  Have I been a main medium of conveying Biblical truth to others? Are we really helping the Bible mission to the best of our abilities? Our Special thanks go to Mr Atulya Kujur for anchoring the Program and Mr. Someshwar Prasad who interpreted in Hindi. We as an Auxiliary, thank the Auxiliary President, Auxiliary Committee Members and our Mary Jones Committee for their help in all our arrangements for this program.

Annual Thanks giving Meeting in GEL Church Hesag on 4th November & Bible Sunday on 5th November 2023 At NWGEL Church.  We praise God that we could thank Him along with 250 believers of GEL, NWGEL CNI Church of Ranchi, for his abundant mercies upon the Bible work In Jharkhand and Bihar on 4th November. We also thank the Pastor and Committee members of Hesag Church for opening their Church for our Thanksgiving Program. We thank the Secretary of Hesag GEL church who made a promise to help Bible Society on a regular basis. May God bless them abundantly.

We thank the honorable Arch Bishop of NWGEL Church and honorable Bishop Simant Tirkey of GEL Church for welcoming us to share the word of God on Bible Sunday on 5th November. We at Ranchi Auxiliary extend our gratitude to our General Secretary and sincerely appreciate our Director (Marketing & Publishing) for his esteemed presence and encouraging people in our region which will definitely empower and enhance the Bible work in Bihar and Jharkhand in the days to come.  Praise be to our God.

Staff Retreat & Holy Communion Service on 4th January 2024:-

Staff retreat & prayer day was observed on 4th January 2024 in the Bible House, Ranchi Auxiliary.  All the staff of Ranchi Auxiliary took part in this Retreat and Prayer. Our Auxiliary President conducted the retreat and Holy Communion Service and edified and encouraged the staff by the teaching of the Word of God. The meeting was followed by a fellowship lunch.