

Biblical Reflection: (in the Context of the Celebration of the International Indigenous Day on August 9, 2022)

When the eager followers of Jesus keenly listened to when he was using a simple metaphor of “light” to tell who they were, saying “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” I could see the enthusiastic tribal communities, young and old, whose sparkling eyes could connect themselves with that light of the world, the light that sparks on the hill top, illuminated by the gospel of Jesus……

Dr. Hrangthan Chhungi,

Associate Director, Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation.

Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation Department, Initial Equipping Session – Trauma Healing

A brief report of the Trauma Healing Initial Equipping Sessions held at Praggoloy, Pastoral and Development Center, Kolkata (5 th -9 th  July, 2022) and YMCA International House, Mumbai (11 th – 15 th  July, 2022)……

Report on the Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation Department Programme with Gujarat Auxiliary on July 21 – 25, 2022.

We had a very meaningful interactions and fruitful engagement with all the participants for Four Days programme of Training the Auxiliary Staff, Auxiliary Committee Members and BSI volunteers such as Branch Leaders, Collectors and Donors in the surrounding cities of Ahmedabad and Anand in Gujarat State towards Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilization strategies…..

Virtual Meeting With Auxiliary Secretaries

The Department of Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation organised a virtual meeting with all its Auxiliary Secretaries on July 28, 2022 from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko, General Secretary, BSI extended a warm welcome to the Auxiliary Secretaries and encouraged them from God’s Word from the book of 1 Kings 20:28…..

Observance Of Tribal And Adivasi Day

Like any other years, the Bible Society of India observed the ‘Tribal and Adivasi Day’ virtually on August 9, 2022. Ms. Elina K. Horo, Founder of Adivasi Women’s Network (AWN) and Inter State Adivasi Women’s Network (ISAWN) and Chief Functionary of Women and Gender Resource Centre (WGRC) was the speaker for the day…..

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