Women Leaders Meeting
Women Leaders Meeting
The Bible Society of India Andhra Pradesh Auxiliary organised Women Leaders Meeting on 8th March at Bible House in Guntur. Rev. Dr. Leelavathi Vemuri, BSI National President, delivered keynote address while Rev. K. John Vikram, Auxiliary Secretary led devotion and Mrs. K. Shilpa Vikram led a session. Nearly 130 women attended across the state representing BSI Andhra Pradesh Auxiliary branches. The Holy Bibles were presented to the delegates with support from the Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation Department.
Emerging Leaders Conference
The Bible Society of India Andhra Pradesh Auxiliary organised Emerging Leaders Conference with the youth leaders on 22nd March at Bible House in Guntur. Rev. K. John Vikram, Auxiliary Secretary delivered Keynote Address, Bro. P. Jeevan Silvans Bose, GMI General Secretary, and Mr. Samuel Jonathan, Commissionar- AP State Information Commission led sessions. Nearly 150 delegates participated from across the state representing BSI Andhra Pradesh Auxiliary branches. Our Daily Bread copies were presented to the participants with support from the Church, Public Relations and Resource Mobilisation Department.