
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Auxiliary

We had a very meaningful Scripture Engagement and distribution program in the Middle Andaman, Mayabunder Port among the Karen Community. The program was arranged in the Mulla Baptist church Webi, at Mayabunder Port on 8 th January, 2023. We could distribute 150 Karen Bible to the very needy believers, those who cannot afford to buy a Bible among the different churches. It was a blessed moment for them to receive the Word of God in their own heart language. They are so grateful to the ministry of Bible Society of India and have assured us of their prayer and support. An elderly woman said, “I have received the best gift (Bible) of the world and will be always indebted to BSI.”

The church leaders and elders were also very happy about the kind of ministry BSI is doing among the people of our country. We thank God and all the leaders of central office for their continue prayer and support for our Auxiliary.